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International conference "International cooperation in forest sector: balancing education, science and industry"
Video seminar “Eco-innovations (Eco-solutions) in education and research of modern forestry”
Author |
Topic |
Otto Eckmullner |
Benefits and handicaps of different methods to estimate forest attributes (part 1)
(pdf, 1.0 MB) |
Otto Eckmullner |
Benefits and handicaps of different methods to estimate forest attributes (part 2)
(pdf, 1.0 MB) |
Otto Eckmullner |
The usage of simple sampling methods for inventories of stand and forests (pdf,
1.0 MB) |
Otto Eckmullner |
BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
(pdf, 1.4 MB) |
Dr. Cecil C. Konijnendijk |
Communication and Participation in Urbanised Forestry (pdf, 1.5 MB) |
Dr. Cecil C. Konijnendijk |
Urban forestry as promissing approach (pdf, 1.5 MB) |
Dr. George Mouflis |
Vegetation, bioclimatic zones, forest service and forest management in Greece
(pdf, 1.3 MB) |
Dr. George Mouflis |
GIS and remote sensing in mapping the consequences of the recent fire in Kassndra,
Chalkidiki (pdf, 579 KB) |
Dr. George Mouflis |
Ecological and visual impact assessment of marble quarry expansion (1984-2000)
on the landscape of Thasos island, NE Greece (pdf, 1.1 MB) |
Dr. George Mouflis |
Forest recreation planning in the Taxiarchis University Forest of Helkidiki
(pdf, 673.2 KB) |
Davide Pettenella |
Instruments of corporate social responsability in the forest sector (pdf, 2.3 MB) |
Author |
Topic |
Kauko Hamalainen |
Lifelong learning in Finland and Europe (pdf, 185.7 KB) |
Ms. Anna Kiiski |
Examples of the environmental projects of the Palmenia centre for the continuing education,
university of Helsinki (pdf, 445.7 KB) |
Ella Karjalainen |
Palmenia centre for continuing education (pdf, 117 KB) |
Kauko Hamalainen |
Welcoming adress from University of Helsinki, Palmenia centre for continuing education (pdf, 523.9 KB) |
Sven Wagner |
Standarts of cleaning and thinning in german forests (pdf, 1.7 MB) |
Sven Wagner |
Some information on german forestry (pdf, 541.2 KB) |
Sven Wagner |
Service orientation and sustainability - implications to silvicultural concepts (pdf, 1.2 MB) |
Mr. Werner Grosse |
Forest service enterprises versus department of technique in the german state forest (pdf, 1.7 MB) |
Mr. Werner Grosse |
Fuelwood utilisation in Germany and options for extension of supply (pdf, 1.1 MB) |
Ildus Nurgaliev |
Global tendencies in sustainable development (pdf, 909.7 KB) |
Igor Tyukhov |
Renewable energy for forestry (pdf, 5.9 MB) |